Merchandise may also be available for sale at in-person events.
Mailing Address
History At Play, LLC, 7 Avenue de Lafayette, #120233, Boston, MA 02112
History At Play™, LLC, established in 2010 to chronicle the lives of influential and often forgotten figures, is widely acknowledged and appreciated by the history, entertainment, and educational industries for breaking the mold of traditional hi-calibre, in-person, virtual, and hybrid Immersive Living History Experiences.
Support Living History.
Make History Today!
Enjoy the award-winning Immersive Living History Experience offered by History At Play™, LLC ON DEMAND. Video rentals are available for 48 hours of continuous viewing. The personalized viewing link will be emailed after purchase.
A Revolution of Her Own!™ Deborah Sampson
Running Time: 60 minute performance + 44 minute talkback (1 hr, 44 minutes total)
This video rental is authorized for household viewing only. There is no broadcast to group housing communities (i.e. independent living residences, dormitories, functions). There is no recording, reproduction, distribution, download, nor broadcast permitted. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. (Original Recording April 2020.)
Rental requests received after midnight Eastern Time may be delivered the following morning. Viewing extensions will automatically be applied to the viewing period. If you do not receive a link within 4 hours of purchase, please call +1-617-752-2859 (or +1-508-259-2985 on WhatsApp for international clients).
Questions, Technical difficulty, or extension requests? Email or call +1-617-752-2859.
Performance researched, written, produced, and performed by Judith Kalaora, Founder and Artistic Director, History At Play™, LLC.
History At Play™, LLC was created to educate and entertain audiences young and old from all over the world. Our Immersive Living History Experiences breathe life into the stories of influential and often forgotten figures. Founder & Artistic Director Judith Kalaora is internationally renown for her portrayal of The American Heroine, Deborah Sampson, who is the first woman to successfully enlist, to fight, and to be honorably discharged from the American Military.
History At Play™, LLC (HAP, LLC) has created a successful business model that surpasses expectations for virtual and in-person educational escapism and is acclaimed by the historical, educational, corporate, and non-profit sectors for breaking the mold of hi-calibre educational entertainment.
All purchases support educational outreach as we mitigate the challenges posed by the global health crisis.
Promise to MAKE HISTORY!
"Thank you for another wonderful program..., and being able to do it in a "Zoom" format... was simply amazing to watch! It was wonderful to witness the students so fully riveted on your performance."
"We have had terrific feedback from your performance. Everyone thought you were amazing. Thank you for providing such a powerful and educational program."
"This production is one of a kind. Its entertainment value is preceded only by its educational value."
“I absolutely loved your [Livestream] performance. This is the second performance of yours I have watched, and definitely my favorite...” (Regarding A Revolution of Her Own! Deborah Sampson)
Judith Kalaora
Founder | Artistic Director
History At Play™, LLC (HAP, LLC) was founded in 2010 by Artistic Director Judith Kalaora to chronicle the lives of influential and often forgotten women. Offering solo and ensemble Immersive Living History Experiences, HAP, LLC is woman-owned and operated, with a commitment to employ artists from around the globe. Kalaora is a professional educator, award-winning playwright, and living historian. She graduated Syracuse University Magna cum Laude and completed the Globe Education Program of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London, UK. She has redefined the purpose of theatre and immersive entertainment as a pop culture teaching tool, exposing audiences to points of view entirely different from their own. HAP, LLC performs in-person nationally and online globally.
Merchandise may also be available for sale at in-person events.
Mailing Address
History At Play, LLC, 7 Avenue de Lafayette, #120233, Boston, MA 02112